
Youth Committee

The Caramel Rock youth committee is a group of young people that consistent of current students, past participants and alumni who meet on a monthly basis to discuss current Caramel Rock projects to share ideas to improve and better impact our community, as well as creating new ideas of projects they feel should be open to young people. Some topics that are discussed range from youth employment to local opportunities. This helps increase inclusion within our community. The committee acts as a steering group to help share ideas across Caramel Rock from their perspective, each meeting is noted and shared with the Caramel Rock Board of trustees to help make strategic decisions to better support young people. The youth committee through their involvement have access to monthly mentoring support and leadership development with co-operate organisations. The youth committee leads and organises the meetings with the assistance of the Managing Director, Faith Johnson, who is present at every meeting. Youth panel members meet on a monthly basis contributing to what they feel the local needs are as well as what creative youth provision should be on offer in London as well as feedback on what they feel Caramel Rock should be offering. This information consults our board of trustees and giving an opportunity for people to express on what they feel we should be doing as well as creating new ideas for projects we should be running. Panel members are linked to a mentor to provide personal development in their personal aspirations and develop their leadership skills.
AAruj Akbar
Nakita Charlery
Khadija Al-Maajid

If you are Interested in Joining the Youth Committee contact us